Final Output
Research-Backed Design
Insight #1
Clinicians are working in quick time frames.
It was important to allow clinicians to find the data they were looking for quickly. We needed to find every opportunity to simplify.
Design Solution
We created filter options that allowed clinicians to find the vitals they were looking for without needing to context switch.
Insight #2
Clinicians are not glued to the screen
Since clinicians were constantly moving around their office/clinic, moving from monitor to patient.
Design Solution
I created this highlights dashboard, that allowed clinicians to get a high-level overview of vitals. By using a combination of larger font size, color, hierarchy, and symbols, these cards communicated the most relevant information.
All clinicians had to do, was select a vital and enter a detailed view (see next example).
Insight #3
Clinicians Are Overwhelmed
Clinicians don't need more data, they need the data to be presented intuitively.
Design Solution
By hiding the table and charts in the Highlight Cards, we were able to avoid more levels of navigation and minimize context switching.
If clinicians wanted to look at the original UI from the device, all they had to do was click "Full Dashboard," which would take them to the web app.
Patient Overview
This simple overview screen required us to pay careful attention to best practices in hospital systems (should we use Sex or Gender? What is the format of dates in hospitals?). Understanding what to present about a patient, and what language to use, was imperative in building a trustworthy product.
Doctor's Note
The doctor's note is essential because it is their most straightforward way of record-keeping for patients. Since our engineers were not ready to build a function that synced this information to EHRs (the main storage of information), we included a simple "Copy Note" function, so clinicians could quickly bring this information over.
Handoff to Engineers
Due to the time crunch, we were still creating finishing touches of the design, as engineers were building it. I scheduled daily syncs with the engineers to help with quality control of what they were building, and included detailed descriptions of how the more complex components behaved.